Sycamore Valley Academy has replicated and the organization is growing! The Academies Charter Management Organization is the 501c3 nonprofit organization that operates and manages the two autonomous charter schools in our network:
Blue Oak Academy (BOA) is a brand new, K-8 Visalia charter school modeled after Sycamore Valley Academy (SVA), an in-demand K-8 charter school in Visalia. BOA opened to grades K-2 in 2017-18 and is expanding each year until reaching full K-8 capacity, eventually matching SVA in size and grade level breakdown.
Sycamore Valley Academy- at Full Enrollment now
Kindergarten- 2 classes of 21 5th/6th Multi-age- 3 classes of 28
1st/2nd Multi-age- 3 classes of 28 7th/ 8th Multi-age- 3 classes of 28
3rd/4th Multi-age- 3 classes of 28 TOTAL: 378 students
Enrollment Projections
Blue Oak Academy is located in southeast Visalia at the site of the former Union School. The campus is located at the corner of Avenue 280 and Road 148 (28050 Rd 148, Visalia, CA 93292). Sycamore Valley Academy is located in southwest Visalia at the site of the former Packwood Elementary. The campus is located at the corner of Avenue 280 and Road 68 (6832 Ave. 280 Visalia, CA 93277).​​
Key Program Features
1. Multi-age grouping
2. Differentiation
3. Project-Based Learning
4. Gifted Education for All
5. Development of Scholarly Habits of Mind
6. Enriched Curriculum
7. Social and Emotional Learning
8. Authentic Assessment and Mastery Orientation
9. Collaboration in the Whole School Community